We accept bookings subject to the following Terms and Conditions.

Contract and Booking

A 'Client' is all persons named on the booking form intending to travel with us. A 'Product' is any service sold by Holiday Factory LTD All clients will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted all of our booking conditions. In order to confirm a booking, the “Client” must have full payment of all payments due. A contract between the client and Holiday Factory LTD comes into existence once we have confirmed the booking in writing and issued a confirmation. The person signing the booking form (that incorporates these terms and conditions) warrants that they have full authority to do so on behalf of all persons whose name appears thereon and confirms that all such persons are fully aware of and understand these terms and conditions. The contract, including all matters arising from it, is subject to Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Georgian courts. All issues that are not regulated by the “Terms and Conditions” will be regulated by the current legislation of Georgia. In case of disagreement, the Holiday Factory LTD and the Client are obliged to settle the dispute through negotiation. In case of failure to achieve such, the dispute will be considered by the courts of Georgia. No employees or representatives of Holiday Factory LTD have any right to alter, vary or waive any of these terms and conditions, nor to undertake any liability whatsoever on behalf of Holiday Factory LTD, unless authorized in writing and signed by the CEO of Holiday Factory LTD. Holiday Factory LTD reserves the right to decline any booking at their discretion without further explanation. The client is obliged to agree to the “Terms and Conditions” in order to receive the service by the Holiday Factory LTD.

Name change amendments

At the time of making the booking, you must provide full correct names as they appear on your passport. Please note that airlines do not permit name changes on issued tickets. Holiday Factory LTD will not be held responsible for any charges that may incur for the incorrect submission of names. It is recommended that you submit a passport copy while submitting preferred travel dates for your vacation.

Payment and Pricing Policy

The price of the tour is determined according to each package. All packages include a detailed written description of the tour. Client is obliged to read the description of the tour before booking the package. Your reservation request will be confirmed upon receipt of the full payment due at the time of booking. In these cases, you will be notified at the time of booking. Although every effort will be made to confirm your request, please note that travel arrangements are not confirmed until you receive our written confirmation and Holiday Factory LTD reserves the right to make changes if required. Before a booking is confirmed, Holiday Factory LTD reserves the right to amend the price of the product due to any circumstances outside the control of Holiday Factory LTD such as but not limited to changes relating to governmental action, increases in transportation costs (including schedule airfares and the cost of fuel) changes in any dues, taxes or fees chargeable for services (including landing taxes or embarkation / disembarkation fees at airports), increases in admission fees and hotel rate adjustments / availability. Advertised prices are also subject to seasonal changes, exchange rates and may vary slightly. Payments can be made via bank transfers, Visa or MasterCard.

Price of voucher is for one person. In case of single occupancy, a supplement will apply. The amount of supplement depends on hotel selection and is mentioned on the description.

For accompanied infant in the age of 2 years (24 month) fee of 250 GEL will apply.

Children above the age of up to 2 years will pay a fill price.

Tourism Dirham

For hotel accommodation in Dubai, please note that in order to comply with Dubai Government’s Council resolution No 2 of 2014, Hotels and Resorts in Dubai will be applying the “Tourism Dirham” structure effective March 31, 2014.

The “Tourism Dirham” is not included to the package and it will be applied and charged to guests upon check out by the hotel. 10 AED per person, per night.

Cancellations by Clients

Clients wishing to cancel must inform Holiday Factory LTD in writing signed by the lead passenger on the booking form. Cancellation will take effect on the date the cancellation request is received by Holiday Factory LTD and the following general cancellation charges will apply.

Up to 8 days 35 % (Minimum 375 GEL per person)
7 to 3 days (72 hours) 50 %
Less than 72 hours 100 %

Unredeemed vouchers (Travel dates not decided by the customer and not confirmed by Holiday Factory LTD) can be cancelled within validity time with a cancellation fee of GEL 100 per voucher. The cancellation process will take 3 to 6 months until the amount is returned.

No refund can be given for air tickets and partially used services.

The cancellation process will take 60 days.

Amendments / Changes

Booking confirmation implicates that the agreement between the Holiday Factory LTD and the client has been officially drawn up. Once a booking has been confirmed any amendments must be advised and confirmed latest by 72 hours before traveling by the lead passenger on the booking and will incur a charge of 185 GEL per person.

No requested change can be guaranteed. If any number of the party is prevented from traveling because of death, injury or serious illness of the client, or family member, redundancy or jury service, it may be possible to transfer the booking to another suitable person or departure date or a tour of similar standard and cost provided that written notice is confirmed by Holiday Factory LTD. If a refund is payable by Holiday Factory LTD to the Client, the refund amount will be calculated according to the conditions as mentioned and with consideration of evidence of exceptional circumstances. Holiday Factory LTD will not pay fees charged to the Client by the Client’s bank for processing the credited amount. Once hotel reservations have been confirmed, Holiday Factory LTD reserves the right to substitute hotels listed with others of a similar category, which cannot be considered an alter in the essential terms of the contract Hotels reserve the right to close facilities due to operational reasons without prior notice. The Client confirms that is well aware of the named risk and has no question/issue. Should, in the unlikely event, the airlines discontinue a particular tour operator fare after the purchase of the Holiday Package Holiday Factory has the right to cancel the booking and refund the full paid Package price to the customer without paying any penalties to the customer.

In the event that the Holiday Factory LTD, due to independent reasons, is forced to significantly change the essential terms of the contract before departure, the Holiday Factory LTD immediately notifies the Client.

Product Information

All product information has been published by Holiday Factory LTD in good faith and Holiday Factory LTD will use its best endeavors to operate all products. Holiday Factory LTD reserves the right to change any of the facilities and services described in its website and publications and to substitute alternative arrangements of comparable monetary value without compensation and accepts no liability for loss of enjoyment resulting from any change. Holiday Factory reserves its rights to change selected hotel to the same category accommodation, due to any extraordinary circumstances, which as mentioned cannot be considered an alter in the essential terms of the contract

Inclusions and Exclusions of package price

The price of any holiday booked includes only the items specified. It does not include items of a personal nature including, but not limited to, personal insurance, transport to your outbound airport unless specified, refreshments, telephone calls, laundry, gifts, meals and beverages unless specified, optional excursions, passport and visa fees, porterage, gratuities or taxes, unless otherwise specified, which shall in each and every case be the responsibility of the client. Hotel check-in/check-out times are fixed and there are no guarantees for early/late check-in/out unless paid for by the client.

Fuel Surcharge

If the Holiday package contains an Air transportation with the Airline who has increased the cost of the flight ticket by imposing an additional Fuel surcharge, Holiday Factory reserves the right to request the fuel surcharge amount from the customer. Customer will pay fuel surcharge amount only if the surcharge is announced after the Holiday Package have been purchased.

Travel Insurance

Keeping our customers safe and well while on holidays is our number one priority. Holiday Factory LTD provides complimentary Travel Insurance to all Customers. Travel Insurance policy of Insurance Company „GPI HOLDING” implicates of reimbursement of financial expenses, caused by unforeseen/ urgent illness or accident, and occurred with Insured, during his/her travel abroad within definite period. Our travel insurance policy is supported by leading Czech International Assistance Company “Euro-Center Prague”, which provides an unconditional guarantee of high-quality service. In case of occurrence insurance event, please call immediately the JSC GPI Holding, phone (+995 32) 2 505 111
From UAE: “Euro-Center Prague”, Tel: (+420) 221 860 615

Holiday Factory LTD reserves the right to change the insurance provider at any given point in time without any changes in the coverage offered.

Please take into consideration, that insured over 65 years will be reimbursed the half of total expenditures;

Holiday Factory product does not include any adventure and high-risk activities. We strongly recommend to all customers to avoid activities that might jeopardize their health and safety. Holiday Factory does not hold any responsibility for any injuries and damages caused to customer from the time of booking for the full duration of the Product. Holiday Factory LTD accepts no liability on the client's behalf where Holiday Factory LTD has provided a product of a reasonable standard. Clients are fully responsible for arranging their own additional travel insurance. Should the insurers dispute their liability for any reason, the client will have recourse against the insurers only.


Holiday Factory directly sells to end users/customers and reselling our packages is not legally permitted. In the case of 3rd party sale, all bookings will be cancelled immediately and money will be returned with a penalty charged as we deem fit.

Liability of Holiday Factory LTD

Holiday Factory acts as the Tour Operator only on behalf of the suppliers and accordingly accepts no liability whatsoever for loss, damage, injury, accident, delay or any other irregularity arising whatsoever. Holiday Factory LTD products and in particular adventure activities contain an element of risk to the personal safety of the client that other package holidays may not contain. By accepting these booking conditions clients are aware of the risks inherent in their chosen travel and clients undertake such risks at their own volition. Holiday Factory LTD accepts no liability of client's damages where Holiday Factory LTD has fulfilled its duty of care to clients by providing products of a reasonable standard. Holiday Factory LTD has no direct control over the provision of services / facilities by the relevant suppliers and hence we do not accept liability for errors or omissions by the suppliers. Holiday Factory LTD accepts no liability if there has been no fault on the part of Holiday Factory LTD or its' suppliers and the reason for the claimed damages were either the client's fault or a result of unusual circumstances beyond the control of Holiday Factory LTD by force majeure and the consequences of which could not have been avoided even with all due care. In respect of carriage by air, sea and rail and the provision of accommodation, Holiday Factory LTD’s liability in the said cases will be limited in the manner provided by the relevant international conventions. Holiday Factory LTD accepts no liability if additional costs to the client are incurred through delay, accident or disruption of the product(s) beyond the control of Holiday Factory LTD by force majeure.


Holiday Factory will not be liable for any delays prior to departure or during travel to any hotels / resorts brought about by airline technical difficulties, strikes, weather conditions or any other circumstances out of our control. Any expenses relating to these unscheduled extensions will be for the passengers' own account.

Travel Documentation

It is the responsibility of the clients to be in possession of a valid passport, visa permits, all necessary travel documents, vaccinations, preventative medicines and other medical certificates that may be needed to travel. Holiday Factory LTD is not liable for damages arising from changes in regulations or laws to the necessary travel document requirements. Information about these matters is given in good faith by Holiday Factory LTD but without liability. It is important that you check all details provided on your travel documentation are correct upon receipt. If there are any inaccuracies, please contact the Holiday Factory LTD immediately. All passengers are personally responsible for ensuring they are in possession of the correct and necessary documentation and visas prior to departure.

Passport and Visas

It is the client’s responsibility to obtain correct, current and valid passports and re-entry permits where required. Holiday Factory LTD will not be liable for any consequence of any nature arising from the customer failing to ensure he / she has complied with such requirements.

International standard requirements applicable, following are typical travel documents required to travel: 6 months validity of passport and UAE residence visa upon travel period.

Customers are fully responsible to carry proper travel documentation (make sure that all travel documents are valid and complete and check the entry requirements for your upcoming trip before you travel).

Health and Conduct

All Clients are expected to satisfy themselves prior to booking that they are fit and able to complete the itinerary of their chosen tour as described in the brochure. Any clients with pre-existing medical conditions or illness must declare the true nature of such conditions at the time of booking, and make arrangements for the provision of any medication or other treatment that may be required during the tour. Such a client is required to provide a medical statement from a General Practitioner to confirm they are fit to travel. Failure to make such disclosure will constitute a breach of these booking conditions and relieve Holiday Factory LTD from any obligations and liability.

COVID 19 Regulations as for 19 May 2022

Vaccinated travelers to the UAE are not required to present a negative result of RT-PCR test for COVID-19 at the airport of departure. However, those who are not vaccinated must either present a valid, negative result of an RT-PCR test conducted within 48 hours before arrival or a recovery certificate (containing a QR code) from COVID-19 issued within 30 days before departure, if they were infected with the virus.

For more information and updates please visit https://u.ae/en/information-and-services/justice-safety-and-the-law/handling-the-covid-19-outbreak/travelling-amid-covid-19/travelling-to-the-uae#:~:text=On%20the%20other%20hand%2C%20you,required%20at%20your%20final%20destination

Client Exclusion and Local Law

Clients agree to accept the authority and decisions of Holiday Factory LTD's and its supplier's employees and representatives whilst on tour. If in the opinion of such persons, the health or conduct of a client before or after the departure appears likely to endanger the safe, comfortable or happy progress of the tour, the client may be excluded from all or part of the tour without prior notice or any liability on the part of Holiday Factory LTD. In the case of a client’s ill health, Holiday Factory LTD may make such arrangements as it sees fit and recovers the costs thereof from the client. Passengers agree to comply with the laws and regulations of the countries they travel to. Holiday Factory LTD shall not be liable for any clients who commit illegal or unlawful acts whilst on tour.


Holiday Factory reserves the right to cancel any confirmed booking in any circumstances, however, Holiday Factory will not cancel a guaranteed departure booking except in the unusual circumstances of force majeure, defined here as war, the threat of war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, pandemic, epidemic, adverse weather conditions, flight cancellation or any other external circumstances beyond the control of Holiday Factory. Compensation is not available if Holiday Factory is forced to cancel or in any way change a tour due to force majeure where Holiday Factory is unable to provide the tour for the same cost. In the case, the World Health Organization (WHO) declares a pandemic or an international public health emergency or the Georgian government declares an epidemic or a pandemic or a Georgian government official advice residents to avoid traveling abroad it is agreed, that this event is beyond the control of Holiday Factory.Holiday Factory reserves the right to cancel any confirmed booking in any circumstances, however, Holiday Factory will not cancel a guaranteed departure booking except in the unusual circumstances of force majeure, defined here as war, the threat of war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, pandemic, epidemic, adverse weather conditions, flight cancellation or any other external circumstances beyond the control of Holiday Factory. Compensation is not available if Holiday Factory is forced to cancel or in any way change a tour due to force majeure where Holiday Factory is unable to provide the tour for the same cost. In the case, the World Health Organization (WHO) declares a pandemic or an international public health emergency or the Georgian government declares an epidemic or a pandemic or a Georgian government official advice residents to avoid traveling abroad it is agreed, that this event is beyond the control of Holiday Factory.
All refunds which are due during or because of a Force Majeure event will be processed by Holiday Factory in 12 months to the customer only once the supplier (Airline, Hotel & others) will process the refund to Holiday Factory. If a supplier (Airlines Hotel & others) declares bankruptcy or insolvency then the amount of this service will not be refunded to the customer.


The client has the right to terminate the agreement (Terms and Conditions) at any time. Termination is done by sending a letter to official e-mail, where the client requests termination of the contract. Upon the termination, the client is no longer able to use the services of Holiday Factory LTD.


Any changes or amendments in the contract (Terms and Conditions) enters into force within 7 days after publication on the website of Holiday Factory LTD.

Contact us

Address: 37/39 Kostava street, Grato business centre

+995 32 2 224949

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